Tom Tjaarda: a brillant designer

Tom Tjaarda: a brillant designer
20 Mag 2019 Permalink

Thursday 20 June will be the day dedicated to Tom Tjaarda and his design work in the field of automotive design: a temporary exhibition of three historic cars designed by the Dutch designer and, from 18.30, a talk to retrace the life of success and professional recognition that make Tom Tjaarda one of the most famous designers in the automotive field.

The winners of the first Tjaarda Design Award competition will also be presented during the talk.

They will speak for the occasion:

Michele Albera (Coordinator of the Transportation Design course at IED Turin

Paola Bronzino (Tom Tjaarda's wife)

Roberto Giolito (Director FCA Heritage)

Giosuè Boetto Cohen (Journalist)

The event is open to the public and will take place at the Circolo del Design, via San Francesco da Paola 17.

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